World Human Rights Day – Protest in Amsterdam

Abdurehim Gheni Uyghur with Gulfiye Y

On December 10th, Uyghurs, Tibetans, South Mongolians, Hongkongers, Falun Gong, the Church of Almighty and Democratic Chinese activists organized and gathered at Amsterdam’s Dam Square on the occasion of World Human Rights Day to express our condemnation of the Chinese Communist government.  The event started at 15:00 with the opening statement by Ms. Tsering Jampa, President of the ‘Tibet Support Group Nederland’; former Executive Director of the ‘International Campaign for Tibet-Europe’; and recipient of the ‘Knighthood in the Order of Orange-Nassau’— a prestigious Dutch Royal Distinction.

Tsering Jampa, in part:  Voiced her concern over the presence of illegal Chinese police posts on Dutch soil that systematically monitor, track and intimidate Tibetan, Uyghur and the other persecuted groups; an activity that has gone unchallenged, undisturbed for four years. A petition to Prime Minister Rutte has been presented, calling for the government to take immediate measures to effectively shut down the illegal police stations, and to ensure that such illegal activities do not continue in any other way or form. An investigation is called for, and an information campaign should be conducted. Abdurehim Geni, founder of the ‘”Stichting Support Uyghurs” Organization, was invited to speak:  YouTube video link:

“We are here today at Dam Square to celebrate a most important day in the history of human rights. 74 years ago December 10th, 1948, a ‘miracle’ document was adopted by the United Nations: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Most countries of the world have agreed to it.

It says: “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”

Its slogan for this year: “Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All.”

And here today are Uyghurs, Tibetans, South Mongolians, Hong Kong and others whose human rights do not exist in occupied East Turkistan, Tibet, and other regions in China.

If the Human Rights are universal and absolute:

Then why? Why is there a need for thousands (1,000’s) of human rights organizations costing over $15 billion dollars (US) a year to fight for what the Declaration states as ‘absolute’ human rights?

Then why? Why after 74 years is there genocide in occupied East Turkistan against the Uyghurs and others?

Where in the Declaration does it allow: Government terrorism; Millions in Concentration Camps; Organ Harvesting; Torture; Rape; Forced Marriages; Children taken; Families destroyed.

EVERY Article of the Declaration (UDHR), all 30, are violated by the Chinese authorities.

Pick any one. Result: Genocide.

Then why, with the Declaration, has the genocide in occupied East Turkistan not been stopped? Why did the genocide even start?

Why do I come here every week and protest? A one-man protest.

This is personal. 19 family members are missing; more than 5 years not knowing if any are alive or dead, imprisoned, or suffered any atrocities. Many friends are missing. The evidence of the atrocities is unquestionable and unbearable. My family is the evidence for China’s genocide against Uyghurs.

I personally experience the receiving end of government sanctioned genocide.

I experience the fear and helplessness under such tyranny.

I see the lack of concrete results in the many human rights efforts by organizations and governments despite the Declaration.

So – I fight on as one man can.

And I – We — call for the whole world to condemn and impose sanctions and punishment on the Chinese government so that the Uyghur genocide today will not be our legacy, and so The Universal Declaration of Human Rights would really be a ‘miracle’ document.”

Continuing the event, politician from the Dutch Social Party, former Member of Parliament, Harry van Bommel and Amnesty International’s China expert Stijn Deklerck spoke and criticized the violation of human rights in China. Representatives of the ‘World Uyghur Congress’ attended, wearing special printed vests commemorating the one-year anniversary of the judgment of the Uyghur Tribunal, a people’s tribunal, December 9, 2021 where the verdict was undeniable — China’s crimes against humanity and genocide. 

A most important day in the history of human rights is rightly an event to celebrate. A breakthrough event of a ‘miracle’ document adopted by the United Nations: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights . The evils and atrocities of the Second World War were very fresh in the minds and experiences of the authors of the Declaration. Not only was it framed as “universal” but also ‘inalienable’, that is, ‘absolute’ and cannot be given up. 74 years later we are witness to the impotency of the Declaration.

“…every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms…”

The call to action of the 75 UDHR is: “Stand Up for Human Rights”.

The world’s countries, organizations, leaders, and peoples, stutter when it comes to speaking out, and paralyzed when it comes to action when confronted with any human rights violations – let alone evidence of genocide. Politics and commercial expediency take priority: lip-service is reserved for the uncomfortable truths.

However, I refuse to be a stutterer before the oppressor or an empty vessel before the tyrant. I will continue to move forward with all the strength I have, charged with courage and pride, honor for victory over barbarism, firm in the knowledge that I am on the right side of history.

The Communist Chinese government not only extended its evil fist to my relatives, friends, brothers, and other nationals within our foreigner occupied (ancestral) homeland, but also to a refugee like me, exiled to a democratic and safe country, in my case, the Netherlands. The authoritarian regime could not ignore my activism and had to smother my voice and suppress my effectiveness – and threaten me many times. However, I haven’t given up my opposition to the Chinese government’s actions because my belief is that truth will overcome ignorance; light will repel darkness; righteousness will transform wickedness; and justice will eventually prevail.

I call on all honorable governments and leaderships who respect democracy and freedom, organizations, individuals and peoples of the world to “stand up” and confront the crimes of the Chinese Communist regime, to bear witness to the Uyghur genocide and not be complicit with the Chinese Communists in the intentional disappearing of the Uyghur from the face of the earth. The honor, respect and dignity of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights requires effort to protect the ‘absolute’ law of human rights or its relevance in world affairs will diminish further, even with the more than $15 billion (US) now spent on thousands of human rights organizations.

To end the event a song “East Turkistan” was played. “East Turkistan”, the first international song to tell the world of the plight of oppressed #Uyghur people; sung by Della Miles, composed by Turgay Evren.  Special thanks for Project: by Aziz Babuscu, M.P., Justice and Development Party (AKP), Istanbul/Turkiye. This song was written and released for December 10, Human Rights day. (Youtube Title: Della Miles – East Turkistan)