Remember Barin Revolution on 5th April, 1990

Remember Barin Revolution on 5th April, 1990

Abdurehim Gheni Uyghur

On the same day 29 years ago, 5th  April, 1990 a revolution broke out in Barin Village, East Tuekestan. This revolution sent message to Chinese colonizers an iron will of witch people of East Turkestan always pursuit of independence and will never be slaved. This was a revolution with one of great historical values declaring to the world: << we are alive, we want to independence >>.  29 years ago, around 200 people from Barin, a small village of Aktu country, held demonstration against government policies of family plan, religious suppression, mass migration of Han Chinese to East Turkestan, also overburdened imposition of taxes. The peaceful act of justice was subjected bloody crackdown by government and more that 50 were shot to dead on the spot while most of were  tortured to dead in prisons. Infuriated by this bloody crackdown, more than 2000 people started to attack and occupied police stations and government buildings, seized guns. Insurgents seized guns and captured 5 soldiers while some insurgents were captured by Chinese army. Later on insurgents and Chinese governments exchanged the ones being captured. The revolution, led by Zaidin Josef, panicked the wicked communist party including Deng Xiao Ping, Jiang Ze Min and Li Peng. To prevent this revolution further spreading, Chinese communists sent equipped with tanks and war planes with the order of massacre of entire civilians in the village. The revolution lasted for 7 days from 5th April, 1990,  turned out to be Chinese brutal massacre of almost all civilians from house to house. A Chinese soldier who participated this blood purge and fled to America later on exposed the brutal massacre carried out. According to him, almost all civilians regardless of participants or non-participants of the revolution were butchered including women and young kids. International communities have condemned this brutal oppression. Amnesty International filed an exclusive report of 92 pages to urge Chinese government admitting the spoiling of human rights in this massacre stopping large scale oppression and human rights abuses in East Turkestan. Barin revolution showed indomitable courage and heart of Uyghur and declared that East Turkestan doesn’t belong China. It is one of the significant which shows unflappable determination of independence. All people in East Turkestan remember this honorable revolution which demonstrated the national spirit, remember the all heroes, especially the leader of this revolution, Zai Din Josef, who sacrificed lives for our great cause of freedom, remember the day of fighting for freedom, remember the day of fighting for freedom. And we are proud of Zai Din Josef and those who scarified valuable lives for freedom. We remember glorious history that demonstrated unflappable spirit of Uyghur. We are born free as other nations and we will live free in independent East Turkestan, this fight will be continued until the day we retake our independence. Long live East Turkestan independence! Remember Barin Revolution!
