Darkest day for Uyghurs, but National Day for the evil CCP

Darkest day for Uyghurs, but National Day for Chinese

Abndurehim Gheni Uyghur

 October 01, 2022

Today is October 1st  is a holiday that the Chinese government is celebrating the 73 rd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. A day that history will record as a day of INFAMY borne out of BLOOD and TERROR and the DEATHS OF MILLIONs. The Communist Party of China has no moral, ethical or lawful authority to govern, and exists only through brute force and terror. Its legacy of 100 million deaths will not be eroded by the sands of time: it continues to this day.

This day is a day of great sorrows for the East Turkestans, Tibetans, South Mongolians, and Manchurians, who are the fateful nations under the brutal occupation of the Chinese invaders. Today one may include the people of Hong Kong.

Immediately the Communist regime invaded its neighbours.

The Chinese communist regime in East Turkestan and Tibet is the darkest chapter in the HISTORY of the Uyghurs and Tibetans. It’s also the darkest day for Uyghurs, Tibetans, Mongols as it’s the beginning of being colonized and being assimilated by China’s tyrannies. The very existence of the Uyghur nation and Tibet is in question with Beijing’s severe policies of brute force, terror and genocide “must first break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections and break their origins.” China violates every international law.

In 1981, Alexander Solzhenytsin described the Chinese regime in Tibet as “more brutal and inhumane than any other communist regime in the world.” That was 41 years ago…much more has happened since.

Today, in 21st century, the tragedy of Jewish people subjected and Never Again are happening again to Uyghurs.

Hereby, I urge whole world to take the lessons from the tragedy of Uyghurs and take drastic measures to prevent the Uyghurs’ today becomes world’s tomorrow.

It’s also the darkest day for Uyghurs , Tibetans, Southern Mongols as it’s the beginning of being colonized and being assimilated by China’s tyrannies.