support uyghurs group
1. His name is Abdurehim Gheni Uyghur. 2. He was born and raised in East Turkestan which is an occupied country by Chinese communist party. 3.His ethnicity isUyghur. 4. Now He lives in Soest, Netherlands with his wife and 4 children. 5. Two years ago at June/23/2018, his started his single peaceful protest at Dam Square, Amsterdam which is 45km away from his home. Today is second year anniversary of his protest. 6. Since then, He has spent his every Saturday and Sunday at Dam Square, Amsterdam to protest against the anti Humanity crimes which invader China did toward Uyghurs.

7. Because invader China has carried out ethic genocide against Uyghurs, and other turkic nations in his homeland, East Turkestan since 2017. 8. Because Invader China cut off all his contact with his beloved parents, relatives and he has not known wether they are alive or not. 9. Because Invader China imprisoned his intellectual friends, colleagues who are from all over the East Turkestan. 10.He always thought if he had stayed in East turkistan that he would either be taken to the Chinese concentration camp or having his organs harvested and would lose his life. 11. He said, Allah protected him from this ethnic cleansing and his responsibility to his people and his land always motivated him to protest. 12. He believes his people are suffering greatly, discriminated and all Uyghurs conscious are suffering. 13. He decided he would be the voice of his people who are screaming for help.

14.He declared war alone against most vicious and totalitarian regime -Chinese government. at Dam Square, Amsterdam. 15.Because Dam Square, Amsterdam is one of the most tourist attracted place in the world. 16. He has met and talked with different people from different nations, race and religion.
17.He showed them where is his home land East Turkestan is from the map, and explained how Chinese communist party invaded and change it to the “xinjiang’ means new territory. 18. In the 21st century, the Chinese aggressors have designed their own crimes against language, culture, religion, and customs in order to eradicate the Uyghur nation. Eastern Turkestan is the starting point for the Chinese communist one belt one road project which is there plan to rule the world. Abdurehim speaks to tourists with evidence about this. 19. People were really moved to hear him speak and took photos with him to share there experience of hearing what is happening in East Turkestan. 20. Many tourist and people he encounters asks him how can we help the Uyghur people. 21. Proponents of his case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. 22. His image and voice combined with his Uyghur identity have spread all over the world because of the tourists he encountered from all over the world. 23.He attended an event on December 15, 2019 at the invitation of the “Evening of Compassion for Uyghurs” in Paris with all his information from Amsterdam and he protested in front of the Eiffel Tower on December 16-17. 24.He was also invited to attend the “Uyghur Tent” event organized by the World Uyghur Congress on February 24-28, 2020 in the broken chair square in front of the UN building in Geneva. 25.Ms. Rabia Qadir, the leader of the Uyghur National Movement, the spiritual mother of the Uyghurs, and her compatriots in the Netherlands came to Dam Square to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the lone demonstration at Dam Square.He thought he had to do something because his nation has been maltreated. 26. He continued his solo demonstration throughout the winter and summer, hot and cold, rainy and stormy days. 27. He works in the lab for five days a week. He spent the weekend spending time with his family and children 28. Sometimes his children would follow him to the protest site 29. Unable to predict the impact of the one-on-one demonstration, he initially thought it would continue for a few months if it had an impact, and would have stopped if it had not. 30. The effects of his peaceful protests gradually began to intensify, and he was determined to continue until the closing of the concentration camps and the release of more than three million Uyghurs. 31. Unfortunately, he was forced to suspend his protests due to the coronavirus, which was spread from China, but he did not give up his will to protest alone, as his nation was under threat from the concentration camps and the Chinese coronavirus.