My request for making documentary video about my missing family member in front of China’s Embassy has been rejected.

Abdurehim Gheni Uyghur

A month before, a Dutch video maker expressed his willingness to make a documentary videos about Uyghurs. Many people recommended me to him. I sent him my brief video titled < the ironclad evidence of China’s genocide against Uyghurs: 19 of my missing family members >. After seeing my video, the operator contacted me and he would make two background scenery for the video, one at my house and one in front of the China’s embassy. I had immediately sent email to Dan Haag city council and asked permission making videos in front of China’s embassy. After two days, I received a phone call from Dutch police and I was informed that I could not protest in front of embassy, but in the back of the embassy. I explained the police that that was all about making videos in front of embassy and making an interview with a staff about my family members inside the embassy. And yet, the police emphasized that would be allowed.

He also informed me that if I have objections to the decision, I have rights to plead to major. So that, I sent email to city council. A day after, a staff from city council called me and talked in detail of my request and informed me that my request hadn’t been allowed. Even if I explained that I would not protest but just make a film about an hour, I would follow all the protocols requested during this time , I would not offend any regulations, only film producers would go inside and make an interview while I would be waiting outside the embassy and leave immediately after the interview.
The staff informed me that my request would send to major and decision over my request would be information via email to me.
This morning, I received a call from the police and a letter from government staff. Both in the letter and phone call, they informed me that I could protest in the back of the embassy.

Just a month ago, I protested in front of China’s embassy and demanded the truth about my family members as China’s embassy informed Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affaires that 5 of my relatives were sentenced to imprisonments while other 14 family members have been living < normally >. If it’s fact that of my 14 family members have been living < normally>, why can’t Chinese government dare to show them to me? If they are still alive, why can’t Chinese government make live videos of them and show me as they did for others to deceive the world? I have made my demands through Facebook and other social medias live. Unfortunately, my persistent protest since 23rd June, 2018 has not been impeded by authorities, but this time I haven’t been allowed making videos. Surprisingly, 14th, November, 2020, I was fined 150 Euros for <parking Violation>, it had never happened previously>, after I organized an commemoration activity of Establishment of East Turkestan Republic.
It can be deduced that my persistent protest at Dam Square for three years and many times in front of China’s Embassy with ironclad evidences to expose China’s genocide against Uyghurs came as a real blow against China’s rebuttal of its own hideous crime of genocide.
Nothing can stop me fighting for justified cause of freedom of my nation, I will never be yielded by any threats or excuses. Success always belongs to the people who have stoutest heart.