The letter I tried to deliver to the Chinese embassy when I was arrested.
To China’s Consulate in Netherlands:
My name is Abdurehim Gheni, I am Dutch citizen. I am from East Turkestan, an occupied country by your government.
I am writing to you as I have not spoken or heard anything from 19 of my relatives in Uqturpan County, East Turkestan for three years. I don’t know if they are alive or dead, in camps or in prisons.
Although I have tried all means to contact my family members , I have, to this day, been unable to discover the whereabouts of my parents and relatives. I have written multiple letters to King Willem-Alexander, Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Foreign Affairs Minister Stef Blok demanding your consulate provide information of whereabouts of my family, but I have yet to receive the answers I am searching for.
On 9th July, 2019, I received a letter from directer of Asian Affairs Devision of Dutch Foreign Ministry, Arjen van den Berg. In the letter, they informed me that, even though, they provided all necessary information of my family members including ID numbers, addresses and names to your embassy in Den Haag as I was requested from your consulate, but had not received further replies from you to date.
Those 19 relatives of mine are Chinese citizens. So, your government must be responsible for providing them basic human rights and all rights according your law and it’s your obligation providing me their whereabouts and life conditions.
Why does your consulate refuse to give information about them?
Where are they? If they are in concentration camps or prisons, what are their crimes? If they were transferred to other provinces for as slave workers, which factories are they at? As it was mentioned in China’s Constitution that every citizen of China have the same constitutional rights and are equal in front of laws as majority Han people, why are my relatives deprived of these rights?
Hereby, I strongly demand from your consulate restoring my normal communication with my family members. If they are in concentration camps or in prisons, I demand your government to release them immediately and unconditionally.
If your consulate continues ignoring my request, I will indict your government to international human rights organizations, international communities and international court for your arbitrary detentions of my family members and genocide your government has been committing . Your government will bear all the consequences.
Abdurehim Gheni